I'm not going to beat around the bush here. This movie f#cked me up royally. I have had a hard time sleeping the last two nights. I have woken up the past two nights at 2 or 3am and haven't been able to fall back asleep for like 2 hours each night because of the paranoia that this movie has instilled in me. Movies as a whole don't tend to scare me. I feel kind of crazy to say that I feel like I've been desensitized to the violence and what not after seeing so many of them. Its usually certain scenes from movies that will get me (the last one being The Grudge . . . . . still haven't recovered from that crazy things face in the closet). This movie is probably the most terrifyingly transfixed I have ever been watching a movie. During the night scenes where the camera was on a tripod filming their bedroom like the poster depicts, my whole body was tense. I was afraid to movie. I was too petrified to even talk. I was relieved when the movie would go to the daytime parts. Those parts were pretty crappy movie making wise but at that point I was just relieved for the tension release. This was one of the best movie going "experiences" I've ever had.
I couldn't recommend this movie more if I tried. Not because it is necessarily a great movie. To be honest, its really not. The terrifying experience of watching what happens to these two people while they are sleeping is so believable and frightening that this makes seeing this movie in theaters a must see experience.