Blades Of Glory

When rival figure skaters Chazz Michael Michaels (Will Ferrell) and Jimmy MacElroy (Jon Heder) go ballistic in an embarrassing, no-holds-barred fight at the World Championships, they are stripped of their gold medals and banned from the sport for life. Now, three-and-a-half years on, they've found a loophole that will allow them to compete: if they can put aside their differences, they can skate together – in pairs' figure skating.

OH MY GOD! This might have been one of the funniest movies ever. I was crying from laughing and so was WW. As long as you take this movie for what it is - a completely silly laugh riot - there is no way you can't like this movie. It definitely helps that the filmmakers don't bother trying to take this movie seriously, but the duo of Will Ferrel and Jon Heder (although everyone and their mother knows him as Napolean Dynamite) are hilarious. Their facial reactions, the skating costumes/music, and thier one liners are all classic and the way that both of them speak are priceless.

I couldn't possibly recommend this movie more if I tried. This movie is one of the biggest laugh fests I've had in a long time. Get out there now and rent it, people!