The Heartbreak Kid

Single and indecisive, Eddie (Ben Stiller) begins dating the incredibly sexy and seemingly fabulous Lila. Upon the urging of his father and best friend, Eddie proposes to her after only a week, fearing this may be his last chance at love, marriage, and happiness. However, while on their honeymoon in sunny Mexico, Lila reveals her true beyond-awful nature and Eddie meets Miranda, the woman he realizes to be his actual soul mate. Eddie must keep his new, increasingly horrid wife at bay as he attempts to woo the girl of his dreams.

There were some really big laughs in this movie. However, the absolute funniest part of the movie was the guy sitting two rows in front of me. You know how sometimes you laugh harder at things because of how much someone else is enjoying it? This guy had me crying because of how hard he was laughing at the movie. He definitely made it more enjoyable than it was. That's not to say that the movie wasn't funny on its own. It definitely was. I love watching Ben Stiller's facial reactions. They truly are priceless. This being a Farrely Brothers movie though, there are a few mind blowing sight gags that push the envelope big time. There is one that rivals the caught in the zipper scene from There's Something About Mary that makes you cringe beyond belief and laugh only because of how totally uncomfortable you've become. Be sure to never let kids anywhere near this movie! Besides that and the couple of over the top sex scenes, the movie is pretty funny. They didn't need to push the sex envelope so much, but that seems to unfortunately be the new Hollywood trend. The movie was plenty funny without it and I think that stuff like that held the movie back somewhat.

I'd recommend people checking this out if they want a good laugh. Just take heed about some of the over the top stuff and keep kids as far away from this as possible.