Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanomo Bay

Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo marks the triumphant return of these two hilarious, slacker anti-heroes. The movie stars John Cho as Harold and Kal Penn as Kumar, two stoners who can't seem to get a break. Their last adventure found them traveling across country to find a White Castle hamburger in order to satisfy a weed-induced case of "the munchies." This time, the boys get themselves in trouble trying to sneak a bong onboard a flight to Amsterdam. Now, being suspected of terrorism, they are forced to run from the law and try to find a way to prove their innocence.

There is sophmoric humor and then there is just idiotic humor. This movie flys over the line in to idiotic and you find yourself wondering why in the blue hell this movie was ever made. When you think of sequels - Harold & Kumar are nowhere near the radar of sequel worthy. I can't even review the whole movie because I stopped watching about 20 minutes in. That's how big of a pile of poop this movie really was. I smiled once in that 20 minutes. There wasn't even a laugh.

I wouldn't recommend anyone ever checking this out. Not on video. Not on cable. This is totally pointless dung that should simply never be viewed.