Young @ Heart

A documentary on a chorus of senior citizens from Massachusetts who cover songs by Jimi Hendrix, Coldplay, Sonic Youth, and other unexpected musicians.

This is one of those movies that makes you so happy yet so completely sad at the same time. It was amazing to watch the dedication of these senior citizens and I was laughing my ass off at certain points. Watching a bunch of 80 year olds perform Purple Haze, I Want To Be Sedated and I Feel Good was hilarious. The horrible part is that you find yourself getting very attached to the performers and you are devastated as they come down with serious illnesses and pass away. If you don't at the very least get choked up at some point during this movie - you simply have no heart whatsoever. I've always been very afraid of being that old. I can only hope and pray that I will still have the passion and fire that these amazing people have when I get to that age.

I very strongly recommend this movie to everyone. It is one of the best looks at senior citizen life/reality that I've ever seen and is beyond entertaining as much as it is touching.