My Best Friend's Girl

A master at seducing – and offending – women, Tank is a professional "My Best Friend's Girl." When guys get dumped, they hire Tank to take their ex-girlfriends out on the worst date of their lives – an experience so horrible it sends them running gratefully back to their beaus. So when Tank's best friend, Dustin, is dumped by his new girlfriend, Tank naturally offers to help out... and ends up meeting the challenge of a lifetime. Smart, beautiful and headstrong, Alexis is the first girl who knows how to call his bluff, and Tank soon finds himself torn between his loyalty to Dustin and his love for his best friend's girl.

I lasted a total of 15 minutes in to this piece of garbage. Why do they keep making Dane Cook movies!?! This is seriously going to end up being the 9th wonder of the world in the very near future. He played his same over the top schtick and this time destroyed Jason Biggs and Kate Hudson in the process. What the hell was Kate Hudson thinking!?! They really have to ban him from starring in movies. Or at least consider using his movies as some sort of a torturing device. Do you have any idea how fast people would give up info if the consequence of not doing so was to watch something like this?

I couldn't recommend this movie less if I tried. Its another bomb in a never ending stream of Dane Cook bombs. Please make the madness stop.