Solitary Man

Solitary Man tells the story of Ben Kalmen, a fifty-something New Yorker and former successful car dealer, who through his own bad choices lost his entire business. When the film opens, Ben's on the verge of a comeback, but some of the same motivations that led to his demise are threatening to take him down again. He's divorced from Nancy, his college sweetheart and the one person who knows him better than anyone. Although he still finds the time to hang out with his daughter Susan and his adoring grandson, she breaks off contact when she discovers he's seeing one of her friends. His girlfriend Jordan is the daughter of a very influential businessman who's on the board of a major auto manufacturer. If Ben can just keep his hubris in check for a little while longer, he will be back as big as ever. But circumstances place him in very close proximity with the one girl he shouldn't touch, throwing everything into jeopardy.

This was your textbook character drama. You meet Michael Douglas's character at a pivotal time of his life, you travel with him on his life's journey for a while, you grow to care about where he's going to go, etc. I wouldn't say this was a great movie. I also wouldn't say that it was bad. It was good enough to keep me watching to the end.

I'd lukewarmly recommend people checking this out. I really don't see why you would have to set time aside to watch it but if you have nothing better to do its not the worst thing you could check out.