I, Frankenstein

Set in a dystopic present where vigilant gargoyles and ferocious demons rage in a battle for ultimate power, Victor Frankenstein's creation Adam (Aaron Eckhart) finds himself caught in the middle as both sides race to discover the secret to his immortality. 

This was a decent movie for what it was meant to be.  Is it good?  No its not good.  It's not that kind of movie.  It is a Frankenstein version of Underworld basically and it pulls off what it intended to.  Demons vs Gargoyles with Frankenstein in the middle.  The effects were good enough that they didn't look corny.  The movie was definitely short enough that you didn't get bored.  The story was simple enough that you basically just enjoyed all the confrontations.  It is one of those movie that is good for what it was supposed to be.

I would recommend this movie to people that like these kinds of movies.  Its a decent enough watch since it doesn't go too overboard with taking itself seriously and just puts on a good quick story with lots of action.