Shoot Em Up

Shoot 'Em Up kicks into high gear with a memorable opening scene and never relents. Clive Owen stars as Mr. Smith, a mysterious loner who teams up with an unlikely ally (Monica Belluci) to protect a newborn baby from a determined criminal (Paul Giamatti) who hunts them throughout the bowels of the city.

If I would have seen this movie one day earlier - it would have been number ONE on the worst movies of 2007. I am willing to go so far as to say that this is one of the ten worst movies EVER! Words can do no justice to how insanely idiotic this movie was. The only reason that WW and I even managed to get to the end was that we kept saying that Clive Owen and Paul Giamatti were in it so it had to pan out. How else could those two awesome actors be in this!?! This movie was basically all out testosterone. It was a non-stop action movie with constant gunfights. Unfortunately, the dialogue and numerous pointless scenes were brutal. You want some snapshots? Giamatti fondles a dead woman's breast . . . . and then tastes the lactated milk. Owen kills numerous people using a carrot . . . . seriously . . . . stabs them in the eye and in the mouth with it. Owen is carrying a newborn child during most of the gunfights. A newspaper used as a diaper and covered with poop is mushed in a guy's face.

It was so beyond bad. This movie is on the same list for me as such classics as Jason X, Seed Of Chucky and Running Scared (the Paul Walker version - not the Billy Crystal buddy cop movie). You would think that I would never recommend this movie to anyone. However, this movie is one of those movies that is so horribly bad that I feel compelled to tell all to see it and marvel at how putrid it is. So, go rent it people and enjoy one of the worst things ever filmed.