Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Famed archaeologist/adventurer Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones is called back into action when he becomes entangled in a Soviet plot to uncover the secret behind a mysterious artifact known as the Crystal Skull.

Let's just get out of the way that I could totally understand die hard Indy fans being beyond disappointed with this movie. I, however, enjoyed it. I was only able to do this though by seeing it as a free standing movie with a known character instead of a continuation of the original trilogy. By doing this, I was able to watch an enjoyable summer type movie. It was definitely the worst of the four Indiana Jones movies though. It reminds me a lot of the Star Wars prequels where I enjoyed watching them the first time even with the obvious flaws, but will never be watching them over and over again like the original trilogy. The real problem with this movie is that Spielberg and Lucas simply tried to hard. They wanted to fit in as much up to date effects instead of the surprisingly simple boobie trap ones from the first three movies and it made a lot of the major scenes way over the top. They also started out the movie waaaaaaay too talkie talkie. The movie didn't really start to feel like and Indiana Jones film until Harrison Ford and Karen Allen were reunited. Once they were back together though the funny lines and banter returned. It was from that point on that I was able to simply watch the movie and not get all wrapped up in how disappointing it was when based against the Indy predecessors. I could see how that would totally ruin the movie for anyone.

I really don't think it matters whether or not I recommend this movie to anyone. You're going to go and see this regardless? Come on now, people. Just be sure to keep your expectations low for it and you'll probably like it.