The Visitor

In a world of six billion people, it only takes one to change your life. Richard Jenkins (Six Feet Under) stars as Walter Vale, a disillusioned Connecticut economics professor whose life is transformed by a chance encounter in New York City. Through new found connections with virtual strangers, Walter is awakened to a new world and a new life.

This was a textbook character drama. The director did a great job of making the viewers see the world through the eyes of Walter Vale. He's bored with his life. His wife has passed away. He goes to his unused apartment in NYC to find out that two illegal immigrants have been duped in to renting it from a "friend" of theirs. He decides to let them stay and becomes friends with the couple. The story just kind of spirals from there. As much as I was able to watch the movie, there was one nagging thing that I just couldn't get past and limited my level of enjoyment. I just see there being no way that some older guy going to his apartment and finding people there would let them leave so peacefully and then invite them back to stay no matter how disillusioned he may be with his life. Come on now. You come home to find some lady in your bathtub and her boyfriend almost kicking your ass and then feel bad for them? Thats just silly. If you are able to move past that though - this is a pretty good character drama.

I would kind of recommend this movie to people. Its not a must see by any means but is a pretty decent watch.