Resurrecting The Champ

When up-and-coming sports writer Erik Kernan saves a homeless man from a scrape with a group of rowdy college kids, he unwittingly finds himself face to face with no ordinary bum, but Champ, the one-time boxing great Bob Satterfield. What begins as a story resurrecting a once-great man turns into an incredible journey, and an opportunity for Erik to reexamine his own life, his relationship with his young son and his recently separated wife.

This was actually a pretty decent character drama with a fathers/sons storyline. I don't have any faith in Josh Hartnett's acting ability whatsoever but he ended up being somewhat tolerable in this movie. This was probably the best performance by Samuel Jackson in a couple of years. Unfortunately, I can't decide if that was because of his role in this movie or because of the horrendous casting choices he's been making. Anywho, the movie was definitely watchable and the whole how fathers are seen through the eyes of their sons seem pretty accurate.

I would somewhat recommend people checking this out. Its not a must see by any means whatsoever, but its kind of worth the rental if you had interest in checking it out.