A Scanner Darkly

A Scanner Darkly is set in suburban Orange County, California in a future where America has lost the war on drugs. When one reluctant undercover cop is ordered to start spying on his friends, he is launched on a paranoid journey into the absurd, where identities and loyalties are impossible to decode. It is a cautionary tale of drug use based on the novel by Philip K. Dick and his own experiences.

I would have to think that watching this movie could possibly be compared to watching something while tripping on acid. The look of the movie was so weird. It was some sort of new animation where it looked like the real actors were wearing the animation themselves. It's the same kind of animation that has been used in those commercials recently where you can't tell if it's the real actor or a drawing. The movie itself was a tad bit confusing because all of the characters/narrators were on drugs and it was hard at times to follow what was going on.

I would loosely recommend this movie as a rental. It's worth watching just because of the visuals, but most people might be better off checking this one out on cable.