Step Up

In Step Up, Tyler Gage (Channing Tatum) is a rebel from the wrong side of Baltimore's tracks – and the only thing that stands between him and an unfulfilled life are his dreams of one day making it out of there. Nora (Jenna Dewan) is a privileged ballet dancer attending Baltimore's ultra-elite Maryland School of the Arts -- and the only thing standing in the way of her obviously brilliant future is finding a great dance partner for her senior showcase. When trouble with the law lands Tyler with a community service gig at Maryland School of the Arts, he arrives as an angry outsider, until his skills as a gifted street dancer draw Nora's attention. Now, as sparks fly between them, both on and off stage, Tyler realizes he has just one performance to prove that he can step up to a life far larger than he ever imagined.

This is another one of those feel good underdog movies like Invincible, but instead of football it's about dancing. This is also another one of those movies that I am embarassed to say I kind of enjoyed. It's a girly movie for the most part, but you definitely find yourself rooting for the lead guy to pull through and make it.

I'd bashfully recommend people renting this movie. It's a pretty well done feel good movie and is worth the rental fee.