The Haunting Of Molly Hartley

In this tale, something evil lurks just beneath the lush surfaces of teenaged girl's private school world - and it holds the rights to her very soul. Now, on the eve of her 18th birthday, Molly Hartley is about to discover the truth of just who, or rather what, it is she is destined to become.

This movie was pretty much a big turd. Are you surprised? Pointless PG-13 horror movie with no name actors and not based on a Japanese horror movie. Honestly, you can take one look at the poster and all suspense is removed from any possible twists and turns that may happen along with way. The only thing more annoying than suffering through this piece of garbage is the final scene that does nothing more than make you contemplate how much a new tv would cost if you decided to throw something through the one you are watching.

I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. Ever. This would be an incredibly lame made for Lifetime "scary" movie.