
High school senior, Bartleby, is on his way to scoring eight out of eight rejection letters from colleges-which isn't going to go over big with Mom and Dad. At least he's not alone in the exclusion. Several of his crew of outcast friends are in the same boat. So…he decides to help himself and his friends by opening his own university.

I was kind of inbetween on this movie. I didn't love it. I didn't hate it. It was just kind of there and watchable. It had some really good laughs. The fat friend in the movie seemed to get most of them. I'm not really sure how the kid from Jeepers Creepers is being considered a leading actor (the guy is actually rumored to get the Die Hard baton handed to him. WHAT!?!).

I would very loosely recommend this to anyone looking for some laughs. It might prove to be worth the rental fee. It would definitely be worth checking out while laying around watching cable.